The Catholic school environment fosters academic excellence, self-discipline and respect for others.
Catholic Schools nurture spiritual and moral growth. Thomas More Prep-Marian prepares students for success in college, not to just get accepted to college.
Students are safe in an environment where families and teachers share faith and family values.
Learn more about the admission process below.
Apply for Admission
Registration for students entering TMP-M is rolling, meaning a family may initiate the application process at any time of the year. A request for an enrollment packet can be taken over the phone or the preliminary forms can be completed here. The family is invited to attend an informal meeting with the Principal regarding the school. At or after the meeting, parents will have the opportunity to formally apply to the school by filling out an Admission Form for their child(ren), and submitting the application fee. Student records are requested before final acceptance is determined.
Transferring from Other Schools
The best time to transfer from another school is during the summer. It allows ample time for new students to meet future classmates in a variety of situations and activities, provides time to obtain uniforms, and get the many questions about changing schools answered. There are circumstances where it may be better for the student to transfer during the academic year. Please schedule a meeting with the administration to discuss individual situations.
Students applying to enter Thomas More Prep-Marian will be considered after a thorough review of prior educational records, including report cards, standardized testing and educational/psychological testing.

Tuition and Fees
For stewardship families in a Heartland Parish there is no tuition to attend Thomas More Prep-Marian Jr/Sr High School. However, all families do have to pay school fees. Heartland Parish Stewardship Families must participate in their parish Stewardship Renewal each January and have a history of supporting their parish. This includes regular Mass attendance and offertory envelope/on-line giving history. Contact your parish for envelopes. Stewardship Families must affirm this participation on their enrollment forms each year. TMP-M will require parish clearance each year before re-enrollment.
Heartland Parishes
St. Joseph Church, Hays
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Hays
St. Nicholas of Myra Church, Hays
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Munjor
St. Anthony Church, Schoenchen
St. Catherine Church, Catharine
Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Antonino
TMP-M also has relationships with St. Mary Church, Ellis and Sacred Heart Church, Plainville. Members of those parishes may contact the school and/or their pastors directly for more information.
Non-Heartland Parish families pay tuition to attend TMP-M. Most families pay approximately 4% of AGI (adjusted gross income). Other factors can further reduce the tuition charged and financial assistance is available.
Examples of extenuating factors include health issues of an immediate family member, unemployment, older siblings in college, single-parent household, etc.
Payment plans are available.
There is no obligation to get your family's personalized cost quote so please find out your full cost before making a decision. It may be lower than you think. Contact Chad Meitner at The school will get you a full cost quote within 24 hours of receiving all the necessary information.
For more information on domestic resident students, contact Principal Chad Meitner, or 785-625-6577.
School Fees
Every student pays $1,975 in fees for the year. Fees cover books, consumables, student agenda, some travel expenses, health screenings and individual technology expenses. There is a family cap of $4,000 including all the family's students enrolled in Hays Catholic Schools K-12th grade.
Financial Aid
There are three options for financial assistance:
School fee assistance is determined for qualifying families in late spring or summer or at the time of enrollment for new families. Parents must complete the necessary form - Registration Fee Assistance Application. At any time, the form can be turned in to Tom Meagher at More details are available in the school office.
SGO Salina - There is additional assistance available through the Scholarship Granting Organization at the Salina Diocese. This program is open to any family new to Hays Catholic Schools, entering K-8th grade, and qualifying for the free-reduced lunch program. It is a rolling application for this program.
(for TMP-M only) The Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) can possibly help some of our students who do not quite qualify for the tax credit scholarship. Interested families should apply here and click Create an Account. Applications for 2025-26 open in February 2025. Deadline to apply is April 15, 2024.
Visit TMP-Marian
We would love to have you visit us in person and see our vibrant school community in action. Please call the Main Office to arrange a tour and a meeting with our Principal Chad Meitner. We can even arrange a “shadow day” with current students.
Events for Prospective Students:
Feel free to join us at any of the following,
High School Shadow Day
By appointment – any student considering TMP-M, grades 9-12 for the upcoming school year are encouraged to contact Chad Meitner, 785-625-6577 and schedule a shadow day that fits into the family's schedule.
Junior High Monarch for Day
Held Annually in January – any student considering TMP-M Junior High, grades 6, 7 & 8 for the upcoming school year are invited to attend. This is also appropriate for current 8th graders who are considering enrollment in their 9th grade year. Contact the office for more information, 785-625-6577.
Immunization Information
New students entering Thomas More Prep-Marian must have the proper immunization shots as prescribed by the state of Kansas. School immunization forms are available at the Ellis County Health Office or your own private doctor’s office. School records and health forms for transfer students must be obtained from the child’s previous school. Parents may need to sign a release form at the former school in order for the records to be sent to TMP-M.